Making abstract wallpaper
DescriptionLearn how to create blue abstract wallpaper for your desktop
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Now use Filter > Distort > Polar coordinates menu option to make concentric illustration. Polar Coordinates converts a selection from its rectangular to polar coordinates, and vice versa, according to a selected option. You can use this filter to create a cylinder anamorphosis — an art form popular in the 18th century — in which the distorted image appears normal when viewed in a mirrored cylinder. ;)
Do right-click on layer (if you don’t see layer panel press F7 to turn it on) and select Select transparency from drop-down menu. Select Edit > Transform > Distort menu option and use right-top control point to add 3D effect by moving it on left.
Go to Image > Image size menu option and set image’s dimensions to 1000 x 1000.
Use Select > Select all menu and Copy (CTRL + C) and paste it in first document (select first document and press CTRL + P).
4.Making flower
Reduce layer’s transparency to 20%
Duplicate it 5 times by right-clicking and selecting Duplicate from drop-down menu.
Select first and use Edit > Transform > Rotate to spin it to 60 decreases.
With second set 120 decreases, third 180. 4th, 5th: -60, -120.
With Text tool add your signature at the right-top and select Flatten image from Layers menu, and that’s it
Final result:
About author: Goran Grubic is skilled print and web designer from Serbia running design portal ( which offers for free large unique tutorial library (covering Photoshop, Flash, 3D Studio, Dreamweaver and similar topics), free graphic resources (templates, elements, 3D models etc.), photography (free&royalty free, just use it!) and sounds&music loops for multimedia web development.
Submitted by Martin on 2006-08-01 20:02:17. Since then read 59564 times.
Scored 4.3 points out of maximum 5 by 20 votes.
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amanda ljh679 AT gmail DOT com said on 2009-10-13 09:58:43well, nice guide you can read another article to learn how to use wallpaper template to make wallpaper: