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All About Adjustment Layers

Discover how and when you should use Adjustment Layers instead of normal effects.

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Part V. - Manipulating with Adjustment Layers

Another priceless advantage of AL is that there are several ways in which you can manipulate with them.
- As the first thing, you can change the settings of the adjustment layer anytime, just doubleclick on the AL to call the window of the effect where you can change the settings.

- The second thing is that each layer can have a layer mask and Adjustment Layers are not an exception. By layer mask, you can determine which part of the picture will be affected by the effect (in layer mask the white color) and which will remain unchanged (in layer mask the black areas).

If you are not sure about Layer Masks and want to learn more, check our All About Layer Mask tutorial.

So, here is the layer mask on which I prevented the darking effects of the Curves layer in the area of the lamp.

-          The third thing is that you can manipulate with AL as with any other layer, hence moving it (drag and drop) under or over other layers.

-          the other thing that might come handy is that if you want to see what would the picture look like without that Adjustment layer, you just click on the eye on the left of the layer.

But, if you for some reason wished to know what would the picture look like WITH adjustment layer but WITHOUT its layer mask, you could use shift and click on the layer mask. By doing that, the red cross over it should appear and the adjustment layer will not be limited by layer mask. Easy. At least I think so.

See the picture below.

Here the color changes both background and the moon. Why? Just because the Layer Mask affect every layer below it.

But here it affects only background, because the moon layer lies above the AL.
There is another thing that is worth mentioning. And that is Grouping layers
See Part VI. on the next page
Continue Reading On The Next Page >


Submitted by Martin on 2006-05-24 18:24:35. Since then read 86316 times.
Scored 4.21 points out of maximum 5 by 19 votes.

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Mr. B. C. Phukan bcphukan AT indiatimes DOT com said on 2006-05-27 09:23:09
Dear Martin! The Tutorials on Adjustment Layers are very useful and simply fantastic. It has helped me immensely to clearify some of my doubts on the subject. Thanks so much.

Martin mato AT t-tutorials DOT com said on 2006-05-27 09:34:18
I hope it helped. If there are any more things to clarify, let me know and I will do my best. Anyway, thx for suggestion on a tutorial.

yushatak techmaster AT myself DOT com said on 2006-06-17 17:32:17
I may well check out adjustment layers, even though most of my work is with abstracts and web design (where it's a bit less useful). BTW: Some sort of glitch in your page source on this tutorial. It's showing a if lists are supported comment of some kind. Just figured you'd like to know.

Ihaw ihaw89f AT yahoo DOT com said on 2009-04-02 18:27:42
The AL(adjustment layers) is quite easy to learn, especially the hue/saturation. But, the other more complex AL like curves and color balance as example, is harder to learn ourselves. Maybe more explanation for each will AL helps.

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