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Modern Art in Blue

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4. Filter/Blur/Radial blur (20), once zoom, once spin

What we need now is some distortion. What I found very useful fo this effect in particulat is the following:

5. Filter/Distort/Wave, use everything like in the picture.

If you dont like the result, try and experiment with other settings, till you get satisfactory result. Play mainly with amplitude. After some experiments, this is what I got. You could possibly use Wave more times, but the edges will become significantly more visible, so work softly.

To give it a bluish color, use the following:
6. Image/Adjustments/Hue saturation, colorize, Hue 220, Saturation almost maximum

I really like what it looks like. What do you think about it? Leave a comment.

What i also did i that I changed a colors a bit to give it this wooden color. If I find some time, I will make an extra tutorial about this wooden thing.

Looks pretty nice, doesnt it? Put whatever you think in the Comments section below.
Hope you enjoyed.

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Submitted by Martin on 2006-03-28 15:57:45. Since then read 84434 times.
Scored 4.21 points out of maximum 5 by 39 votes.

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T said on 2006-06-08 16:29:37
It's a nice tutorial. Only problem is that you missed something in step three. "3. Filter/Brush strokes (8, 5)" should be "3. Filter/Brush strokes/Spatter (Spray radius=8, smoothness=5) Had to figure that on my own... no fair making a newbie do some work! :)

Martin mato AT t-tutorials DOT com said on 2006-06-10 23:27:21
Sorry T, I have already changed it in the text. if you encounter any other things like this one, let me know. thx for making our tutorials better :D

SmokeJaguar evo_da AT hotmail DOT com said on 2007-12-29 22:21:54
Great tut lookin cool as my iPhone wallpaper-Thanks

lee said on 2010-01-11 18:10:10
its great!thnx

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